Monday 25 October 2010

Talking About Illness and Seeing The Doctor

Let's notice the conversation between Doctor and patient: 
Doctor  : What’s your complaint?
Patient  : There is a lot of swelling. I keep sneezing. I’ve got blisters all over my hand
                 I’m constipated. My stomach is out of order. I have indigestion.
                 I have a temperature
Doctor  :  You’ve got high or low blood pressure. How’s your appetite?
Patient  : I can't eat well, Doc. What's wrong with me?
Doctor  : Nothing serious, but you’d better have a few days' rest. I will prescribe medicine for you. 
Patient  : Is it contagious?
Doctor  : No, don't worry. You will get better soon. 

Some utterances about saying one’s condition
He is getting better ( dia bertambah baik )
I am in pretty good shape now ( saya sehat sekali sekarang )
I feel much better (saya merasa jauh lebih sehat )
I’ve been fine since my operation ( saya sehat sejak operasi saya )
I am recuperating. ( saya sedang dalam masa penyembuhan )
She is completely cured. ( dia benar-benar sembuh )
She has thrown up twice this morning (dia sudah muntah dua kali pagi ini )
Her nose is swollen and blocked up. ( hidungnya bengkak dan tersumbat )
He has trouble breathing and swallowing ( dia mempunyai kesulitan bernafas dan menelan )

 Some important phrases
1. Appendicitis = penyakit usus buntu
2. A sore throat = sakit tenggorokan
3. A backache = sakit punggung
4. A nasty cough = batuk
5. Chill = kedinginan
6. Earache = sakit telinga
7. A fever = demam
8. A headache = sakit kepala
9. A pain in the chest = sakit di dada
10. A runny nose = pilek
11. A skin rash = kulit berbintik-bintik
12. A stiff neck = leher kaku
13. A stomach ache = sakit perut
14. Arthritis = sakit tulang
15. A toothache = sakit gigi
16. Constipation = susah buang air besar
17. A typhoid fever = demam tipus
18. Athlete’s foot = penyakit akibat jamur di antara jari kaki
19. Dengue fever = demam berdarah
20. Diarrhea = diare, mencret
21. Dizziness = pusing
22. Insomnia = sulit tidur
23. Malaria = malaria
24. Red eyes = mata merah
25. Rheumatism = rematik
26. The flu, influenza = flu
27. The measles = campak
28. Cancer = kanker
29. Diabetes = diabetes
30. Haemorrhoids= wasir
31. Pneumonia = radang paru-paru
32. Small pox = cacar air
33. Cholera = kolera
34. An ulcer = luka bernanah
35. Jaundice = penyakit kuning, hepatitis
36. Loss of appetite = kehilangan nafsu makan

 The parts of the body
Adam’s apple = jakun ; Ankle = pergelangan kaki; Arm = lengan ; Armpit = ketiak
Belly button = pusar ;  Birthmark =tanda lahir ; Breast = buah dada ; Buttocks = pantat
Calf = betis ; Cheek = pipi ; Chest = dada ;  Ear = telinga ; Elbow = sikut
Eye = mata ; Eyebrow = alis; Face = muka ; Finger = jari tangan
Forehead = dahi ; Fore finger = jari telunjuk;Foot = kaki (bagian pergelangan kaki ke bawah )
Gum = gusi ; Hair = rambut; Hand = tangan ; Head = kepala ; Knee = lutut
Leg = kaki (secara keseluruhan);
Little finger=jari kelingking; Middle finger = jari tengah  Mole = tahi lalat; Mouth = mulut; Nail = kuku
Neck = leher ; Nose = hidung ; Nostril = lubang hidung
Ring finger = jari manis ; Shoulder = bahu
Stomach = perut; Temple = pelipis; Thigh = paha
Throat = tenggorokan ; Thumb = ibu jari
Toes = jari kaki; Tongue = lidah ; Tooth = gigi
Waist = pinggang ; Wrist = pergelangan tangan 

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