Sunday 18 September 2016

Taman Belajar Learning Community

Hey guys, this is a cool site.
For you students or anyone who are in the mood of learning, come on join our community.
Untuk kamu pelajar Indonesia atau siapapun yang suka belajar sesuatu, daripada nongkrong gak karuan, gossip, shopping ngabisin uang,...ayo mendingan mencari ilmu.
Beberapa komunitas belajar yang ada di Taman Belajar:

 1 year anniversary of English Friday learning community in Duri. Presenting special episode of The Family Feud Quiz with special leader group; Mrs. Anna and Mrs. Terrie. It was such a memorable one! Missing you all ladies.

I always love this picture, with all those amazing ladies and the cute babies around.

English Friday, learning English community with Oil Company ladies in Duri, Riau. It was such a momentous story for me managing this English Learning community.
Location: Library Cafe, Chevron camp, Duri, Riau

Learning English community with High School students from Sebanga, Riau. So happy, having Mrs. Chhajlani and Mr. Srinivas with us. Hope students learn a lot about how importance of English in this going global era.  

Wanna join us?