My Paintings

I love painting. No one taught me painting, but I didn't know I could do it well. I sold my paintings but now, not anymore. I just do painting for hobby. I got kinda feeling pleasure and satisfaction when I paint an object that I do interested in. I love a beauty creature; can be a woman, man, animal, tree, scenery, etc. Everything has its own beauty.
These are some of my paintings:

My Australian amazing woman. I did learn a lot from her about English, about life, and facing this life boldly. She has a golden heart for her surroundings and always set aside her free time to do something for unable people near her. Those inspirations have moved my fingers to draw this image.

This is orang utans painting that I made with very cheap painting tool. Why cheap? I was just hanging around, nothing to do...I was tidying up my children's pencils messing up on the floor...That idea just came across suddenly as I watched the news from TV about orang utans in Kalimantan. Yup! My fingers started to dance on a piece of paper using my children's oil pastel. Here it is the result!

Save Me!  Orang Utans in Kalimantan.

I am a cat lover. Yes! This was my cute Kitty. I raised this furbaby since she was born at my back garage. Then....when she was 7 months old...she was gone, vanished...Indeed, it left mystery until now. I don't know where she went away or who took her. Soo...sad....
An idea just came up to draw her when I couldn't take off my mind of her.

My Kitty. Where Are You?          

Drawing moving water is always challenging! And I have to try to do that using variety of tools; oil color, water color, pencil, oil pastel even pens...etc...

I guess some of you know who's the lady on this drawing. As a painter, yes, I love beauty. Learning the ins and outs of beauty has made me come to the conclusion that my Creator is The Great One, no doubt. He is The Highest, The Best Creator of this universe and everything in it. One of my specialty is photo drawing...uh...I love that job, the job I had since I was in Elementary School.

Actually, I have so many paintings and drawings but I don't always keep them with me. For me, fine art is about hobby. I don't really make for commercial, but yes, sometimes I sell my works.
Thank you for appreciate my work.