Monday 9 May 2016

Making introduction

Check this out a very beginner version of introduction in Arabic.

               خالد  : السلام عليكم
محمد: و عليكم السلام، تفضل
 مها  : مرحبا خالد
 خالد  : أهلا مها، كيف الحال؟
 مها  : كل شيء ممتاز شكرا
        محمد : بخير و الحمد لله

 I will give you the translation for this Arabic conversation so you understand the meaning of them.
Khalid        : Assalamu'alaikum (peace be upon you)
Muhammad: Wa 'alaikum salam, tafaddal (and peace be upon you, please)
Maha          : Marhaban Khalid (Hello Khalid)
Khalid        : Ahlan Maha, kaifa al hal? (Hello Maha, how are things?)
Maha          : Kulu shai'in mumtaz, shukran! (All are great, thank you!
Muhammad: Bikhairin walhamdulillah (Good and thank you to Allah)

It is very common in Arab world; since it is a muslim majority region; that when wherever and whenever we meet someone,we will say "Assalamu'alaikum". This is not only reguler "salam" but for muslims, this is a magic word that can break silence and magical du'a for the one we meet. We hope that peace will always be with the one we greet "salam". Amazing, isn't it?

Ok, otherwise if you are a muslim, you can say "Ahlan" or "Marhaban" to greet people you meet.

Then, when someone ask you: "Kaifa al hal?" you can answer with "Kulu shai'in mumtaz" or just "mumtaz"....and don't forget to say "Thank you".
Another way to say is "Bikhairin" (Good). Don't forget to say "Alhamdulillah" (Thank you to Allah/God) because we believe it's only because of Allah/God so we still can say "I am good now".

That's all for today...I'll see you again next time. InshaAllah

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